Monday, February 27, 2012

Base I Recap (Weeks 1-4)

What I did: Four weeks of level 1 and 2 rides, commonly going between 2 1/2 to 3 hours a day and riding six days a week. 

Total miles: 866

Total hours: 55.5

Weight: 135.2 (61.5 kilos)

FTP: 218 watts

FTP/weight: 3.54

CP6: 268 watts

CTL: 57.5

Turtles rescued from the roadway: 1

Thoughts from the saddle: I've been riding the past week in Asheville, a true cycling mecca. I'll have a post on that experience soon. ... I've never ridden as far as slowly as I did the past month. Throughout, I was concerned I might be wasting my time and wouldn't see much benefit. I was wrong. I increased my FTP 6.3 percent from last month and my CP6 8 percent. Because I didn't do any group rides or tempo work, I was pleasantly surprised. There might be something to this developing your aerobic system fully before addressing intensity. ... Girl Scout cookies, I curse thee. Super Bowl Sunday? I damn thee. And Fat Tuesday? Fat chance I wouldn't gain weight. Anyone know a painless way to sew my mouth shut with monofilament? ... A favor to ask: While I'm trying to rack up all these low-intensity miles and you're approaching from behind as part of a group, pass either on the left or right, but not on both sides. ... I've been listening to the new Van Halen album, A Different Kind of Truth, while on the bike. After being initially critical after hearing the first single, Tattoo (which is like audio Krazy Glue after hearing it a couple times), I have to say Ed and the boys delivered a vintage VH album straight from the '78-'81 glory years. Michael Anthony's backing vocals are definitely missed, but this album rocks, even if it is late-70s demos. Check out tracks She's the Woman, Big River, Honeybabysweetiedoll, and Stay Frosty. ... Continued riding once a week off-road at Markham Park. Recently included a couple additional technical trails, and I was able to ride them without going anaerobic. That was another sign my fitness is improving. ... I see ORAMM sold out. Man, that was quick. I'm all in, though.