Monday, August 13, 2012

Base 3 Recap (Weeks 5-8)

What I did: Began to reduce miles somewhat and add small doses of anaerobic capacity intervals (30 seconds on/30 off, four sets, 5 minutes in between sets) and off-road intervals at Vista View Park, leading into ORAMM. After the race, I did an easy recovery week with no intensity to recharge and prepare for the first week of the Build cycle.

Total miles: 630

Total hours: 56

Weight: 134

FTP: Didn't test (246 previously)

FTP/weight: 4

CP6: Didn't test (283 previously)

CTL: 82

Thoughts from the saddle: I saw a sports nutritionist with Elite Health Centers, something I've wanted to do for a long time. I eat well, but always suspected I wasn't doing enough from that end. Included was blood work and a Vo2max test, which I've never done. I put up a 54 on the test (anything above a 45 in my age bracket is excellent), which everyone there said was the highest they've seen. (I don't think they test cyclists, because I know there's probably several in my area who could probably score 60-plus. I didn't let that evaluation go to my head. Anyway, she said I was, metabolically speaking, 35-years-old, which was good to hear because I turned 50 in July. She also said I wasn't eating enough protein and that my testosterone was too low. So I'm taking some supplements and eating a diet that includes more protein and a touch fewer carbohydrates. I've gained a few pounds, but I'm not going to sweat it if this will help in the long run. I feel a little stronger and it seems like I'm able to bounce back a little quicker from hard workouts. ... The off-road intervals at Vista View Park have been really hard. It's great race prep, short climbs combined with short downhills equal short recoveries. I don't look forward to doing these but they're necessary. ... I've been doing a few fast group rides and I've had mixed success. I've been dropped a couple times and hung for the entire ride on a few others. Again, great race prep, but I need to allow enough recovery afterward. This is where I've gotten off-track in the past.