Thursday, July 17, 2008

Random thoughts from the saddle

I completed Base training on Sunday. Some numbers and observations.

I got in 97 hours, turning 1,820.28 miles (124 off-road). I consistently averaged more than 200 miles a week during the eight weeks. This is very close to the Base I laid down when I had my best season in 2006.

I improved my limiters and enhanced my aerobic system.

I regressed in completing chores around the house.

I dodged rain, roadkill and vehicles.

I ran into rain, waves of gnats, and once, a wayward dragonfly that wouldn't get out of my jersey.

I lost weight, from 142.4 pounds to 135.2.

I gained knowledge on what a difference proper bike fit makes. More on this later.

I saw my Functional Threshold Power go from 201 to 228 watts.

And I saw a boy on a bike crossing a busy street nearly get creamed by a car; about a mile away, a mockingbird cheated a similar mechanized death when returning to her nest in a tree in a median. Within five minutes, I witnessed the razor-thin difference between just another day and end of days.

I missed Hillary's big announcement. I was out riding.

I barely hung on to wheels on some group rides, an engine in the red, but ultimately getting saved by a well-timed red light.

I lost wheels and began that terrible drift backward, bleeding sweat like a blown engine spewing oil and realizing I'm not fast enough.

In summary, I'm in better shape to build my high-end fitness than I was a year ago. It's in these next eight weeks where I will enhance Vo2Max, anaerobic fitness and continue improving muscular endurance. And that spells race shape. How good? I'll let you know.

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