Monday, July 9, 2012

Base 3 Recap (Weeks 1-4)

What I did: Recovered from pushing myself a bit too hard the previous month. I rode only 7 1/2 hours and 132 miles the first week of Base 3. That snapped me out of my fatigue, but I reduced my volume the rest of the month to be safe. I still got in a good amount of threshold work with 2x20 intervals. Then at the end of the month, I tested my FTP and put up my highest ever wattage (246). Also started riding the rolling Vista View Park horse trails to get some climbing in to prep for ORAMM on July 22.

Total miles: 657.6

Total hours: 41.5

Weight: 132

FTP: 246

FTP/weight: 4.1

CP6: 283 watts

CTL: 83.2

Thoughts from the saddle: I was really concerned I buried myself deep with fatigue, but I shed it rather quickly and my fitness really improved afterward. I've started adding more protein to my diet to help with recovery and it seems to be working. It's caused me to add three pounds, but it might be the best three pounds I've ever gained. ... One early Saturday morning, I got a flat in Weston, probably less than a mile from SR 84 and the Everglades. I have never been swarmed with the amount and size of mosquitoes as I was then. I must have looked like a nut jumping around, slapping myself silly while trying to change the tube. Fortunately, it was still dark and nobody saw me, though they probably heard me cursing. Those suckers were biting at finishing-sprint-like wattage and popcorn-popping frequency. ... Been turning between 11-14 laps at Vista View, getting in between 1 1/2 to 2 hours climbing, 16 to 21 miles. It's a demanding workout, especially in the heat and humidity but it gets my legs ready for the 11,000 feet of climbing at ORAMM. ... Rode at Markham Park when I could avoid the rains and continued to keep it aerobic riding all the open trails.  

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