Saturday, May 31, 2008

In The Paceline With ... TBC's Bryan Hoskinson

This is a feature I hope to run periodically, spotlighting TrainingBible Coaching associates and their athletes. I'll ask 10 questions and post their answers.

For the inaugural one, we'll talk with Bryan Hoskinson, 45, who has been coaching full time for six years, specializing in triathlon, functional strength training and nutrition. He competes in triathlon, cycling, open-water swimming and adventure racing.

1) Best aspect of coaching?

Simple, helping people meet and exceed their goals.

2) Most frustrating aspect?

People not sharing what their goals are.

3) What makes an ideal client?

Anyone with a committed desire to improve, in any domain of their life.

4) What's more exciting about an athlete's makeup: genetics or drive?

Drive, without question.

5) Strangest thing you heard or saw an athlete do or consume in order to perform better?

Good question, nothing really jumps out. Too many people like to listen to others right before a race and change their fuel source and amount with out testing in training. A sure recipe for disaster.

6) Best advice to calm race-day jitters?

Don’t get them! OK, use them to your advantage by expecting them and going over everything in training so you are ready for anything that could happen.

7) The best cross-training activity you endorse?

Functional strength training, yoga, mountain biking, kayaking. Anything that keeps them moving, sports like tennis are great.

8) The quickest way to get faster is ...?

1. Build Endurance 2. Improve Form 3. (A distant No. 3) Speed drills and racing.

9) The best piece of equipment an endurance athlete can purchase to go faster?

Power meter and heart rate monitor.

10) Most common training mistake you see endurance athletes make?

Too much, too fast, too often.

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